How You Can Help

Are you ready to help black dogs but not sure how? Here are a few ways you can get involved and make a real difference for these overlooked dogs:

Volunteer for a rescue group or no-kill shelter

Most rescues and shelters have a variety of volunteer opportunities such as helping to update their website, assisting with adoption and fundraising events, offering to walk and socialize dogs as well as becoming a foster family. Not sure how to get in touch with groups in your area? Just enter “animal rescue group,” “no-kill shelter” or “no-kill rescue group” into a search engine.

Consider adopting a Black Dog

Ready to add a new animal companion to your family? Consider adopting one of these gorgeous overlooked dogs. Your dog will be forever grateful to have a happy home, and you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that the “plain black dog” you adopted was not overlooked.

Help raise awareness about Black Dog Syndrome

Share information with friends and family members. If they are planning to add a companion animal to their family, suggest they consider adopting a black dog. Explain why and forward them links to websites such as and Start a “Black Dog Card Campaign.” Add links to black dog websites to your Facebook or Myspace pages, or give us a few “tweets” on Twitter!

Donate to a rescue group or a no kill shelter

Veterinary care, food, supplies – all these things cost money. Your donations of dollars of items will help rescues and no kill shelters pay for these expenses, allowing them to free up resources to help even more dogs.

Start a Black Dog Walking Group in your area

Want to raise awareness about Black Dog Syndrome, have fun with your dog and get a little exercise at the same time? Start a “Black Dog Walking Group.” Click here to learn how to start your own group. To learn more about how to help, please see our homepage.